David and Leila Centner moved to Miami determined to make a change in the lives of women, children and teachers.
Long before they had their children and sold their Highway Toll Administration company for an undisclosed amount, David and Leila Centner were dedicated to charities that helped women and children in Ethiopia, Nicaragua and Harlem, an hour away from their previous home. “We’re drawn to causes that break the cycle of poverty,” says Leila.
Yet, since 2017, when they decided to set roots in Miami (where David was born and raised), the bulk of their generosity has remained in our community. “When we moved here, one of our first orders of business was to find people in need and find a way to resourcefully contribute,” says David. “After we sold our company, we set aside an eight-figure sum strictly for donations. We invested that money and our goal is to donate 75 percent of the annual earnings.”
Read the full story in Modern Luxury Miami.